If you have ever defaulted on a credit card payment or had an extension on your student loan, watch out! Your credit history could impact decisions — right from buying an iPhone6 to landing a new job. This is because credit bureau Cibil has tied up with e-commerce players and employee-screening firms to share data on consumers and potential job candidates.

Capricious borrowers also may find their loan-repayment track record returning to haunt them at the time of seeking new employment. "We have been getting multiple requests from banks and background-screening firms that in addition to the present screening processes that they have for employees — like the education, criminal and medical tests — they also wanted to do a financial credit test," said Mehta. He added that employers making these requests out of a compliance perspective were largely multinational companies.

Although credit histories are usually requested by lenders who have received a loan proposal, TU Cibil is able to provide this service as it is given after consumer consent. "We have a process where the customer authenticates it, only then we release it to the third party. The way it is used in the employee-screening process is that it is an indicator of risk and whether the company should do further due diligence on a prospective candidate or not," said Mehta. He added that if the report is that of a chronic defaulter, it is up to the company whether to hire the person or not.

If you are an Employer and want to access CIBIL Credit Score of your applicants or employees, you can get in touch with us to know more using options given below.

If you are an Individual and want to access CIBIL Credit Score of self or your personal staff, you can get in touch with us to know more using options given below.